Protect Your Air Conditioner From Thieves
Your air conditioner holds some pretty valuable parts that many thieves would love to sell
With the warm weather on its way, many people start getting their air conditioner’s ready to go.
But did you know your air conditioner can also be a prime target for thieves?
Scrap metal is a big business and your air conditioner has many valuable parts that are worth money when sold.
The most valuable being the copper lines that hold your air conditioners refrigerant.
Here are some tips to keep your unit safe all year round.
Security Lights
Simple enough but also quite effective.
Installing motion sensing security lights that illuminate the area around your air conditioner will put anyone who is trying to do something they shouldn’t on full display at night.
Adding these lights is also a simple way to increase the value of your home.
Lock It Up
There are many different cages on the market that you can buy to secure your air conditioner.
The highest quality cages are made of steel and have posts that are put in the ground in concrete to secure them.
Be sure to take care of the refrigerant lines when installing the cage as cutting the lines could result in an expensive air conditioner repair.
They have a lock on them that can be opened with a key to make servicing your air conditioner a breeze for your service technician.
These cages aren’t the cheapest, but compared to a new air conditioner it may be worth the cost!
In The Clear
This seems obvious, but make sure your air conditioner isn’t buried in bushes or other shrubbery and is out in the open where it is visible.
Bushes and other foliage make it easy for a person to hide somewhere they shouldn’t be.
Branding Time!
Here is an innovative idea.
Etch your last name and the serial unit of the number into the condensor’s metal in a hidden spot.
If your entire unit does happen to be stolen, you will have proof that it was yours if hopefully, it turns up.